Racquetball Racquet Keyfob by Froy_design_

Size: 0.24 x 0.24 x 0.28 in x 1
Size: 2.52 x 1.23 x 0.12 in x 1
Model Description
3D model of juliatruchsess
The models were repaired and checked for printability.

Attach this to your keychain to identify yourself as one of the elite humans who...Show more loves the ultimate sport! "If it's too fast, there's always tennis."

Print the racquet standing on edge with its long axis oriented horizontally. If you lay it down flat your printer will probably print the "strings" as a bunch of little circles (at least mine does) and it looks bad. If you print it "standing up" with its long axis vertical, the FDM layers will split really easily (as in the part will disintegrate as you are removing support material). After removing support material, you might want to round off the sharp corners that I couldn't be bothered to fix in TinkerCAD (rounding edges isn't TinkerCAD's strong point at present). The part as shown in the photo has not had its edges rounded at all.

Print the companion racquetball (preferably in Penn Blue, Purple Pill, Bouncy Red, or Wilson Pink). Glue the ball to the racquet. Get some appropriate keychain findings at Michaels or similar store to complete your fob.
About The Model’s Author
7 models uploaded
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