Ronan, MakerFaire Saint Malo's Mascot by Lee_3dworld

Model by
Size: 5.34 x 5.83 x 1.63 in x 1
Model Description
3D model of lefabshop
The models were repaired and checked for printability.

Print the animated mascot from the first french MakerFaire !
It was printed with a...Show more length of 7cm.
If you want it smaller, keep in mind that under 2,5 cm the central axis of the arms might be too short to turn, and the hole for the keychain will be too small too.
Bigger, you have no limit !

Enjoy :)

Imprimez la mascotte de la premiere MakerFaire de France !
Nous l'imprimions avec une longueur de 7cm sur place, mais vous pouvez le faire plus grand !
Plus petit, en dessous de 2,5cm, l'axe des bras bloque et le trou pour le porte-clef sera trop petit.

Amusez-vous bien ! :)
About The Model’s Author
32 models uploaded
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