Evil Anvils Cube ✱✱✱ by Symen

Size: 1.95 x 0.97 x 0.97 in x 1
Model Description
A cube can split in two equal halves in many ways. A not so common method we found is named the Dovetail Cube. Two dovetail halfcubes can be combined in puzzle...Show more pieces in many ways. If bounding faces overlap at least half or fully, twenty-two of them constitute a full set of interlocking pieces. These pieces can be used to create specific forms which can be a very complicated task if done without the help of specialised software.
Evil Anvils Cube is a subset of eigth pieces which can be assembled into a cube and a range of other form challenges. ( See: http://shorturl.at/isPS3 )
The puzzle includes a storage box.
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