These are improved versions of the hands that I printed for my first C-3PO costume. I've incorporated work from several other people to borrow some of the
...Show more more detailed parts of each. Gordon Tarpley's hand plates derived from the Don Post scans are a vast improvement of the originals but I really like what Roel Veldhuyzen did to sharpen the edges and refine the details of the finger tips. I took his hand models and deleted low areas between finger plates and then thickened them to 1mm. I also added in TKCC71's knuckle projections to the hand plates to have them be printed all at one time. The hand pistons are models that I made from measuring some resin parts that I received. I just cut them in half so they can print flat on the bed with the filament running the length of the part. The posts on the bottom should fit roughly into holes drilled at the indentations in Gordon's hand plates.'
These are all the parts for the right hand so the hand plate and fingers should be mirrored and printed again for the left.