Rodin Coil Frame

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Size: 5.9 x 1.18 x 5.9 in x 1
Model Description
This is a Rodin coil frame I designed after watching a Marko Rodin seminar. It was modeled after the winding pattern he had on the board. There are numbered grooves...Show more in the toroid to hold the wires for an easier time wrapping.It is comprised of 2 channels with the following winding pattern:
A: 1,16,31,10,25,4,19,34,13,28,7,22,1...
B: 2,17,32,11,26,5,20,35,14,29,8,23,2..
it works well with 24 winds per channel
Channels A and B are wound 180* out of phase. So when you finish channel A, start B in the other direction around the core making an X.
When you run it with your function generator, connect the output of A to the input of B. It will levitate spherical magnets while spinning them.
All credit for the coil design goes to Marko Rodin. I know he would like others to take interest in his work, so if this is something you think others will like please feel free to share.
I have started making other designs for testing and may upload them if there is any interest.
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