Modular Hobby Paint Rack Large Straight

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Model Description
This is the first in a line of modular paint racks to store and organize hobby paints. I designed this to hold Vallejo or Reaper dropper paint bottles. I will be...Show more adding more shelf layouts to hold paints such as Miniataire, GW and others!

<li>42 dropper bottles (Vallejo, Reaper, Army Painter)</li>
<li>34 Minitaire bottles</li>
<li>26 Tamiya bottles</li>

Dropper style bottles can be stored in the upright or inverted position. The Reaper paints in the upright position have a little play in them but will still be held without falling over or getting trapped. I designed it more for the inverted position as that is the way I hold my paints to prevent tip dry out.

I will add assembly details in an update but you will need to print the following to assemble one unit:

**One of the following:**
<li>Shelf2-Left-(bottle style)</li>
<li>Shelf2-Right-(bottle style)</li>
<li>Shelf4-Left-(bottle style)</li>
<li>Shelf4-Right-(bottle style)</li>

**Two of the Following:**
<li>Shelf1and3-Left-(bottle style)</li>
<li>Shelf1and3-Right-(bottle style)</li>

**Optional - Four of the following:**

If you use the Tamiya shelves or want to store your dropper bottles upright the risers will attach to the rear of the shelves to raise the bottle height. You will need two per shelf and one will need to be rotated 180 to have the holes line up with the pins.

If a piece has a left and right side you will need to glue them together using the tabs. Unfortunately I didn't have a print bed big enough to handle a single piece and had to do this. Once you have joined all the left and right sides together you should have a complete kit and can be assembled with the tabs and slots. I would also suggest glue just to be safe in case you have to move it even though the fit should be pretty tight.

Hope you enjoy this and it makes your painting desk a little tidier.....I know mine needed it!

**Other units in the series:**
Inside Corner -
Outside Corner -
Small Straight -
Tool Holder -

<li>Assembly instructions</li>
<li>Additional shelves for more paint brands</li>
<li>Future units with more options!</li>

**Revision History:**
<li>09/21/17 - Added shelves for Minitaire paint line. Shelf STL's are now labeled with brand name on end to indicate size. Vallejo files will fit Vallejo, Reaper and Army Painter brands.</li>
<li>10/08/17 - Added shelves for Tamiya
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