Rat Rig V Core

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尺寸: 1.77 x 1.28 x 1.66 英寸 x 1
尺寸: 0.59 x 1.57 x 0.39 英寸 x 1
#Rat Rig V-Core - CoreXY 3D Printer

Welcome to the home of the Rat Rig V-Core project. With the evermore popular CoreXY printers growing within the DIY...显示更多 community, we noticed that it is very hard to get a good quality kit where builders can get all their mechanics in one place, with a good build guide. We also found that there are very few projects available that are fully OpenBuilds based. We want to change that.

With the V-Core, we've designed a rock solid CoreXY type printer, based on Openbuilds components, and built like a tank. By using very few printed parts, and aluminium plates for both structural integrity and motion carriage parts, we've developed an Opensource design which we believe can be a great platform to build on, and that provides a very high-quality 3D Printer with great specs.


###Preliminary Specs:
- Build Volume: 300x300x300mm (X/Y/Z)
- Foot Print: 570x506mm (X/Y)
- 6mm GT2 Belts
- Compatible with Nema17 Motors(available as optional add-on)
- Dual Z lead screw cantilever design with anti backlash nuts
- Tough polycarbonate wheels for Z rails
- E3D v6 compatible hotend mount
- Mounting point for a inductive bed leveling probe
- Open Source

[Buy full kit at Rat Rig][4]
[Facebook Rat Rig 3D Printer Community][1]
[Bill of Materials][2]
[Build Guide][3]
[Assembly videos][5]

[1]: https://www.facebook.com/groups/133137330826924
[2]: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ojzs1hyRrYSVWBtESctqzs_UtD3-qfixqYcQSAOk3hE/edit?usp=sharing
[3]: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Upd_vJQMKGXq_OxI3bd-cTxZgQqvf-wR/view?usp=sharing
[4]: http://www.ratrig.com/3d-printing-cnc/vcoremechanical.html
[5]: https://drive.google.com/open?id=11MTmujET-d_yAyOfQGpiN8UgSjas7XQY
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