FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling) 3D Printing Service in Rosenheim, Bitte Land selektieren, Germany

176 FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling) 3D printing services are ready to make your custom parts and deliver to Rosenheim, Bitte Land selektieren, Germany. If you would like to narrow down your search further, you can select a specific material to see all the companies that have it in stock. For better representation of the quality level of every company, we show their portfolio along with printer certification that indicates the vendor’s experience in a certain technology.

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Crailsheim, Baden-Württemberg, DE
KS Printworks steht für Innovation und Präzision im Bereich 3D-Druck. Wir bieten maßgeschneiderte Lösungen... read more

Manufacturing Service

3D Printing
Materials: PLA
Minimum Charge: $12.99
Shipping: $6.50
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Hagenbüchach, Bayern, DE
Ich biete hochwertige 3D-Druckdienstleistungen für Privatpersonen, Unternehmen und kreative Köpfe an. Mit meinem zuverlässigen... read more

Manufacturing Service

3D Printing
Materials: PLA, PETG
Minimum Charge: €8.14
Shipping: €4.00
4.9/5(192 reviews)
Speedys 3D Service 3D printing photoSpeedys 3D Service 3D printing photoSpeedys 3D Service 3D printing photo
Engelswies, Baden-Württemberg, DE
Wir machen was sonst keiner macht !! Wir legen großen Wert auf Qualität und... read more

Manufacturing Service

3D Printing
Materials: PLA, ABS, Rubber-like (TPU) +1 material
Minimum Charge: $5.99
Shipping: $5.28
4.8/5(147 reviews)
Chris 3D Print 3D printing photoChris 3D Print 3D printing photoChris 3D Print 3D printing photo
Engelswies, Baden-Württemberg, DE
Sie suchen ausgezeichnete Qualität zum günstigen Preis? Dann sind sie hier genau richtig! Weitere... read more

Manufacturing Service

3D PrintingCNC Machining
Materials: PLA, Bronze PLA, Wood PLA +4 materials
Minimum Charge: €26.00
Shipping: €2.00
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NETLASER 3D printing photoNETLASER 3D printing photoNETLASER 3D printing photo
Wilhelmsdorf, Bayern, DE
3D-Druck von Einzelstücken, Kleinserien und Großserien - Versand innerhalb 24h - Moderne Druckfarm mit... read more

Manufacturing Service

3D PrintingManufacturing ServicesSignageElectronics Manufacturing ServiceOtherSheet FabricationCutting
Materials: PLA, PETG
Minimum Charge: €8.14
Shipping: €5.99
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Baiersdorf, Bavaria, DE
Ein kleiner privater MakerSpace mit der Möglichkeit, 3D FDM Drucke zu bestellen. read more

Manufacturing Service

3D Printing
Materials: PLA
Minimum Charge: €13.14
Shipping: €5.49
5/5(1 review)
nsp 3D printing photonsp 3D printing photonsp 3D printing photo
Esslingen am Neckar, Baden-Württemberg, DE
We are a digital Agency which ist focused of building Software, Iot and Robotic... read more

Manufacturing Service

3D Printing3D Design
Materials: PLA, ABS, Nylon +4 materials
Minimum Charge: €4.14
Shipping: €4.95
5/5(1 review)
Grey Print Service 3D printing photoGrey Print Service 3D printing photoGrey Print Service 3D printing photo
Esslingen am Neckar, Baden-Württemberg, DE
Local 3D printing home service

Manufacturing Service

3D Printing
Materials: PLA
Minimum Charge: $7.99
Shipping: $4.00
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Wannweil, Baden-Württemberg, DE

Manufacturing Service

3D Printing
Materials: PLA
Minimum Charge: $12.99
Shipping: $10.00
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Fellbach, Baden-Württemberg, DE
Hey, I’m a mechanical engineering student and provide a 3D print service. My prints... read more

Manufacturing Service

3D Printing
Materials: PLA
Minimum Charge: $12.99
Shipping: $5.00
4.8/5(2 reviews)
CBA 3D printing photoCBA 3D printing photoCBA 3D printing photo
Singen (Hohentwiel), Baden-Württemberg, DE
Community Build Area Hello , ich drucke 3D als Hobby. Und kann gerne auch... read more

Manufacturing Service

3D Printing3D DesignPaintingOtherMold MakingInjection MoldingCasting
Materials: PLA
Minimum Charge: €4.14
Shipping: €5.49
4.3/5(5 reviews)
Canion3D Inc. 3D printing photoCanion3D Inc. 3D printing photoCanion3D Inc. 3D printing photo
Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, DE
Canion3D is an engineering company specializing in advanced technologies. We design and make 3D... read more

Manufacturing Service

3D Printing3D Scanning3D Design
Materials: PLA, ABS, Wood PLA +1 material
Minimum Charge: €8.14
Shipping: €5.00
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Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, DE
innovative, modern and reliable --- The 3D-PrintMaker read more

Manufacturing Service

3D Printing
Materials: PLA, ABS
Minimum Charge: $7.99
Shipping: $5.00
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Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, DE
Kleines privates 3D.Druckstudio direkt an der Uni Stuttgart. Schneller und naher Druck. Gern können... read more

Manufacturing Service

3D Printing
Materials: PLA
Minimum Charge: €13.14
Shipping: €5.50
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Schlusselfeld, Bavaria, DE
Communication in all Languages. Besitze einen hochwertigen "Bambu Lab X1 Carbon" 3D Drucker. Es... read more

Manufacturing Service

3D Printing
Materials: PLA, PETG
Minimum Charge: €13.14
Shipping: €5.50
4.8/5(12 reviews)
amprint 3D printing photoamprint 3D printing photoamprint 3D printing photo
Böblingen, Baden-Württemberg, DE
Ideen werde Wirklichkeit. Egal ob Modelle für den Hobbybereich oder funktionale Teile. Mit einem... read more

Manufacturing Service

3D Printing
Materials: PLA, Wood PLA, PETG
Minimum Charge: $8.99
Shipping: $6.00
4.3/5(1 review)
William Maisch 3D-Druck 3D printing photoWilliam Maisch 3D-Druck 3D printing photoWilliam Maisch 3D-Druck 3D printing photo
Gerlingen, Baden-Württemberg, DE
Haben Sie eine Idee, die Sie verwirklichen möchten? Kein Problem. Schicken Sie mir ihr... read more

Manufacturing Service

3D PrintingCNC Machining
Materials: PLA, PETG
Minimum Charge: $9.99
Shipping: $6.00
5/5(2 reviews)
Neckar-3D 3D printing photoNeckar-3D 3D printing photoNeckar-3D 3D printing photo
Rottweil, Baden-Württemberg, DE
Als Dienstleister im Bereich 3D-Druck bieten wir Ihnen unsere individuelle Unterstützung, wenn es um... read more

Manufacturing Service

3D Printing
Materials: PLA, ABS, ASA +2 materials
Minimum Charge: €26.00
Shipping: €4.99
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Simmozheim, Baden-Württemberg, DE
Willkommen in unserem jungen und innovativen Unternehmen mit Sitz im Herzen Baden-Württembergs, im Großraum... read more

Manufacturing Service

3D Printing3D Scanning
Materials: PLA, ASA
Minimum Charge: €13.14
Shipping: €4.99
4.9/5(13 reviews)
Häfner Technology GbR 3D printing photoHäfner Technology GbR 3D printing photoHäfner Technology GbR 3D printing photo
Heilbronn, Baden-Württemberg, DE
We are a small business for 3d printing, 3d design and web developement. We... read more

Manufacturing Service

3D PrintingCutting
Materials: PLA, ABS
Minimum Charge: €8.13
Shipping: €5.49

  • FDM is the most affordable and popular 3D printing technology
  • Greatest choice of materials including PLA, ABS, Rubber (TPU), Nylon, and more
  • Surface finish is not exactly smooth due to layer-by-layer construction
  • Applications include consumer products, rapid prototyping, and product development

Dimensional Accuracy: 0.5 mm
Minimum Layer Resolution: 50 micron
Minimum Detail Thickness: 1.0 mm
Post-Processing: Yes
Maximum Build Volume: 406 x 355 x 406 mm

How much does FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling) 3D Printing cost?

3D printing prices range based on the size and complexity of your model. To speed up the process you can drop your 3D model into the Instant order widget. Our system will show you the costs immediately, so you can decide whether or not you’d like to place an order.

What if I don’t have a 3D file?

3D printing starts from a model, so it is necessary to have a file. Fortunately, many companies that provide additive manufacturing can help you design the parts. For more complex modeling tasks, consider hiring a professional 3D designer.

How does it work?

  • Upload a 3D file to instant order;
  • Select specifications and fill in the delivery details;
  • Finalize the order process;
  • Monitor progress in your Purchases;
  • Get your custom parts delivered to your door.

Our support team is always available for assistance. To learn more about 3D printing technologies, visit our manufacturing guide. And the material guides will help you find out more about all available manufacturing mediums.